About Me

I am many things. Many things you would know by looking at me and many things you would not know. I am too smart to be an intellectual and too ADHD to be an academic. I believe that some believe I live in “the Greatest Country in the World.” I believe you are both right and wrong in that. I believe that I am the progeny of many people, many races, many struggles, many successes and still many more choices. I have an obligation to embrace the heritage handed down to me and continue the journey left to my generation. I used to believe actions spoke louder than words, but then I saw the 2000 election. I now know that words, uttered enough times by enough people for long enough will always move us farther than just actions. So these are my words. I’m sure you have yours, feel free to share them. I have some rules for this blog: 1. I welcome debate on any opinion or statement I make but I reserve the right to take the discussion off-line; 2. If I feel that a comment is being used to subvert the topic I reserve the right to remove the comment from the blog.; 3. ANY comments made with more-rhetoric-than-fact WILL BE REMOVED.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I don't know how it happened...I don't remember when it happened...I'm not sure why it happened...but it needs to stop!

People aren't all wonderful.  Not everyone deserves love, charity and respect.  It is impossible to feel good ALL the time.  Unconditional LOVE doesn't come with Unconditional LIKE.  And (fill in the blank) is not the new (fill in the blank). 

Looking back at the last 20 years I don't know if any age of humans in history has worked so hard to tell feel good lies, promote feel good myths, and block anything that doesn't feel good for themselves and others.  If you are upset or depressed, we've got a pill for that.  If you don't like the way you look, we've got a pill, creams, ointments, surgical procedures and a whole host of products to make you look different.  If you are overweight, we've got diets, superfoods, slimming clothes, and surgeries for that too.  Can't get laid...well try Dos Equis, sweater vests, skinny jeans, Old Spice, Axe body wash, and Mentos...that'll do it. 

If you can't find happiness in the inventions, placebos, and interventions that commerce and mass media provide you...then you are discounted and disconnected.  People who experience genuine hurt and real pain are left to fend for themselves.  Those who can't keep up in the Blowing Smoke parade, are left behind with the exhaust.  We have collectively forgotten how to endure hard times, tragedy, struggle and unpleasantness in general.  We have to do better, as a collective, or we will fall apart as individuals.

Be more honest with yourself.  Be more honest with others.  Be more genuine in your dealings and if you find that your situation is pushing you to be fake, find a new situation.  Promoting everyone and everything as valuable demotes truly valuable people and events.  Taking on others' definitions of happiness dulls your own.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's time to re-think education: Ken Robinson gives us new food for thought

Ken Robinson is an educator who focuses on cultivating creativity.  Through TED (a phenomenal consortium that offers conferences for people who are innovating life and re-inventing the status quo), I have come across his ideas and would like to share them with you.  The following are three different lectures that he gives on our current education system, it's failings, and how we can improve them.  Enjoy!

Schools Kill Creativity
Bring on the Learning Revolution
Changing Learning Paradigms